« 米国ヨガアライアンス認定200時間Yoga Artsティーチャートレーニング inインド(通訳、宿泊、3食の食費込み) | トップページ | ヨガアライアンス認定200時間Yoga Artsティーチャートレーニング inインド2011(通訳、宿泊、3食の食費込み) »

Yoga Artsアドバンス練習生の集中特訓(通訳、宿泊、食費込み)

*この合宿は米国ヨガアライアンス認定500時間Yoga Artsティーチャートレーニングの一部として行われます。この合宿のみの参加者を少人数だけ募集しています。

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yoga arts





yoga arts







Advanced Intensive
Louisa Sear, Lucy Roberts, David and Mira Newman



米国ヨガアライアンス認定500時間Yoga Artsティーチャートレーニンング in東京(通訳、合宿費込み)
米国ヨガアライアンス認定200時間Yoga Artsティーチャートレーニンング inバリ(通訳、宿泊、朝食費込み)
米国ヨガアライアンス認定200時間Yoga Artsティーチャートレーニンング inインド(通訳、宿泊、3食の食費込み)

yoga arts


23rd to the 28th of October, 2009

Outside Tokyo Retreat centre TBA

Starts 23rd of October to the 28th of October 2009. This retreat is purely practice and a deep inner inquiry, specifically for dedicated students and teachers who would like to take some time out in silence, and delve more deeply into the nature of self. The Intensive will be held outside Tokyo in nature, away from any distraction, it is a live in retreat, in silence, in an environment perfect for dedicated sadhana.

The sage Babaji once said that, “To tread the path of truth you must become courageous like lions”. Self understanding and awakening comes with the ability to change, having the courage to do this. Change is constant, and is a part of life, and the ability to change and accept change is a key factor to wellbeing, freedom and an enlightened mind.

The practices of yoga, strengthen, transform and allow us to see. It does not matter what we see, but that we have the courage to accept what is seen, and move forward. Doing a retreat like this has a specific purpose, it is a catalyst for change, a time for renewal, a coming back home. The retreat has been specifically designed in its content to bring about deep contemplation and inquiry, creating the space needed for transformation.

This Course Teaching of Philosophy emphasis will be on Bhakti Yoga, bringing the essence of Bhakti back to our own hearts where the expression of devotion not only needs to turn outward but most importantly inward. Self reflection and the philosophy module of this course will enhance the inner discovery and ground a deeper understanding in the philosophy of life as well as the ability to implement this into our daily lives.

The whole retreat will be in total silence except for interaction between teacher and student if needed in the lecture times only.

The main content of the course will be meditation, including pranayama Vinyasa asana and Yoga philosophy and kirtan.

yoga arts

【Registration and Cost of Course】
165,000yen includes tuition accommodation and food.

To Register, a Deposit of 50,000 yen is required to secure your position.
We have limited space available so please register early if you would like a place.
The money will not be returned upon cancellation. The rest of the fee will be paid by the end of March, 2008.
Please contact Under The Light Yoga School for the registration form:

【Registration From】
Please click below to download registration form.
Download registration form

【Sample Timetable】
Please click below to download sample timetable.
Download sample timetable

yoga arts

【About Yoga Arts】
Yoga Arts yoga teacher training school began with the birth of the 9 month Certificate IV in Yoga Teacher Training in 1994. This was one of the most comprehensive yoga trainings in the world. The Certificate IV was well known for its quantity of hours and high quality of yoga teachers and teaching components. It was also the first yoga teacher training course in Australia to be Government accredited with VETAB, the Australian Vocation Educational and Training Accreditation Board.

The 9 month Training was offered through Yoga Arts for 10 years. The last one was completed in 2004. At the same time as the 9 month trainings were being run, Yoga Arts started running shorter accredited yoga teacher trainings that were run over 1 and 2 months, and 20 days part 1 and 2 the 1st one being held in Bali in 2000. The 2000 Bali training was the first Australian yoga teacher training course, of its kind to be accredited with Yoga Alliance, the American based international organization for yoga training standardization.

The unique quality of Yoga Arts Teacher Training courses comes from their quality of Teachers and from the years of teaching experience they have gained in specializing in teacher training. All Yoga Arts Teaching staff has 10 to 35 years of Teaching exp and practice behind them. They have decades of experience specializing in Teacher Training. Yoga Arts also maintains its reputation of high standards by continually optimizing their trainings to keep up with demand for better and better teachers needed.
Louisa is the Director of Yoga Arts, Yoga Arts is well known nationally and internationally for delivering high quality trainings.

Emphasis on the training is Truth and Authenticity, this is the basis in all the classes at Yoga Arts. One of the main objectives in the training is to touch and experience the yoga first hand, so the deeper understanding of the essence of yoga is felt and integrated. This takes place through the individual transformation that is encouraged and nurtured throughout the course.

With this understanding we believe that graduates can then go out into the world and teach from their heart and from their own real understanding of yoga not just theoretical knowledge.

Teaching yoga takes passion, dedication, persistence and consistency of practice. Ultimately the objective of the Yoga Arts trainings is to train students in quality, professional, safe and knowledgeable teaching skills, and to offer the teacher to be, as many available teaching tools as possible so that there Teaching can be available to everyone. And most important to bring about self responsibility, self understanding and spiritual awakening to the student.

【The Principal Teachers on The Course】
Advanced Intensive
Louisa Sear, Lucy Roberts, David and Mira Newman

*The teachers will be subject to change.

For information on Teachers for the training please go to the teachers page.